Agenda Introduction Post the Packing slip Print management system Posting results Introduction In the previous training, the Purchase manager received items into the warehouse. De facto, the items are already
Good day! Today our Purchase manager calls a Vendor to agree such order details as quantity, delivery date, price, and other purchase order information. He or she then adjusts order
I wish you all the best in New Year!!! I will come back 11 January.
Agenda Introduction Create purchase order Create purchase order line Inventory transactions Summary Introduction In this Microsoft Dynamics AX training lesson, we will create a purchase order, discuss its main fields,
Agenda Introduction Vendor Company warehouse structure Extend item dimensions Inventory equipment Summary Introduction Hi Axapta People! Before we start the purchase business process, we must set up initial data in
In this Microsoft Dynamics AX Training Lesson, we will understand the purchase business process. In the previous training lessons, we have created two items – Bottle and Can which we
Agenda Introduction Item group Inventory model group Inventory dimension group Setup inventory dimensions Create the Can item Summary Introduction All companies have a list of items (goods) to work with.
Agenda Introduction Create new company Switch to AXT company Import demo data Introduction Hi there! We will study different business processes and their implementation in Microsoft Dynamics AX (Axapta) so
Why must the ERP have the Trade and Logistics module? Because this module helps people answer these and many other questions: Where do we purchase items? How will we deliver